Square Enix just announced on their website that their upcoming 6.0 patch expansion, titled ‘Endwalker’, would be releasing this Fall for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC and Mac for the MMORPG giant, Final Fantasy XIV. Following this announcement, a trailer was released showcasing a PlayStation 5 version of the game, with an open beta releasing on April 13th. The following statement from the Square Enix website was posted:
“Scheduled to release fall 2021 for PC, the PlayStation®5, the PlayStation®4 and Mac, Endwalker features the climax of the Hydaelyn and Zodiark story, in which Warriors of Light will encounter an even greater calamity than ever before as they travel to the far reaches of Hydaelyn and even to the moon. In addition to bringing the long-running story arc that began with A Realm Reborn™ to its conclusion, Endwalker will mark a new beginning for the beloved MMO, setting the stage for new adventures that longtime fans and new players can enjoy together.
Endwalker made its debut during the first-ever “FINAL FANTASY XIV Announcement Showcase” as Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida presented a stunning new trailer which set the stage for this next chapter in the FINAL FANTASY XIV Online epic. The trailer is available here: https://youtu.be/7-bkJ2ZoW6k
A new healer job, Sage, as announced at the showcase
During the showcase, Yoshida also revealed the upcoming PlayStation 5 version of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online, scheduled to launch into open beta on April 13, 2021. The PlayStation 5 version will feature numerous upgrades from the PlayStation 4 version, including significantly improved frame rates, faster load times, 4K resolution support and more. Players whose FINAL FANTASY XIV Online service account has a registered license for the PlayStation 4 version may download and play the PlayStation 5 Upgrade Version at no extra cost at the start of the open beta period, while new players can experience the game on the PlayStation 5 through the Free Trial. The full version of the game will be available on PlayStation 5 following the conclusion of the open beta.”
This marks the first MMORPG on Console to announce a PlayStation 5 or even Xbox Series X|S patch with a date. We know that TERA’s Console version will be receiving a next generation patch this year, but no date was announced. One can only wonder if Black Desert, Bless Unleashed, Neverwinter, Skyforge and the other titles on consoles will announce anything soon. I guess time will tell.